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    發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2017-09-26  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 814次













    The 3-stage structure of Betamicron®
    filter elements ensures the maximum
    contamination retention and filtration
    performance. An additional drainage
    layer directs the fluid flow with optimal
    efficiency, achieving particularly
    favourable Δp/Q characteristics.
    An innovative bonding process used
    for the longitudinal seam guarantees
    that the cut ends of the mesh pack
    remain compley sealed even under
    high load variations. This eliminates
    the possibility of particles crossing
    from the contaminated to the clean
    To prevent the formation of zinc soap,
    which occurs mainly in conjunction
    with water-based fluids (HFA /
    HFC) and bio oils, no components
    containing zinc are utilized.
    The metal tube which forms a stable
    core inside the element is constructed
    as a spiral lock seam tube. This
    provides consistent stability and a
    significant reduction in element weight.
    The pleated filter mesh pack is
    encased in a stable outer wrap.
    This wrap distributes the incoming
    fluid evenly over the mesh pack. In
    addition the mesh pack is not directly
    exposed to the flow, and this protects
    it from pulsating flows. In this way,
    the element achieves extremely high
    fatigue strength values. Moreover,
    the mesh pack is protected from
    mechanical damage.



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